The Benefits of Yoga

If you are a regular yoga (asana) practitioner, you will often hear teachers say that yoga (asana) is movement meditation, and they’re not wrong. The practice of yoga asana is to carefully place your body into postures and align your breath with your transitions from one posture to the next. You require full attention to what your body is doing in space, and how your breath aligns with those movements. This is mindfulness at it’s core.

“I wish i didn’t go to class today” - said no one ever.

No one has ever regretted going to a yoga (asana) class. Why? Because not only are you practicing mindfulness, you are also creating space within your physical body. Stress, tension, anger all hold space in the physical body, when they’re not processed and released properly. So when you turn up to a yoga (asana) class and you feel blissful in savasana, it’s because you’ve just released a whole bunch of “emotional knots”.

Yoga helps with resilience.

Yoga helps with not being an asshole

I’ve witnessed friends

Describe what Yoga has done for you and your friends

What the benefits are physically, scientifcalluy


Namaste & Welcome!

