Teaching people how to connect with themselves and build conscious awareness.
Welcome to Sadhana Yoga
It’s pronounced “Sardth - ana”. Sadhana is a Sanskrit word that means Daily Spiritual Practice.
Daily spiritual practice can be anything you do daily to connect with yourself. Either through movement, yoga asana, meditation, pranayama (breath-work), tarot, prayer or affirmations. It’s the YOU time where you get to know your inner workings of who you really are and what you stand for.
The time you create to ponder the big overarching questions.
Who am I? Why am I here? Where will I go after this life?
“By teaching people to create their own unique Sadhana (daily spiritual practice), you will feel empowered to live a life with more confidence and grace.”
“When I was young, I looked outward to find myself. As I age, I look inward to find who I always was. I’ve never looked back.
— Sharmila